If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible, who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time, who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer. - President Barack Obama (November 4, 2008)
Head writer at a little place called IrrationalDad. From there, you can catapult to my other presences on the web. I have links to my Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Photo pages. There may even be a link to my wife's rarely updated blog as well. Anyway, check it out and let the fun ensue.
Like brother and sister ;)
aw! so cute!
That picture should be a greeting card! I love to see babies and dogs together.
Nothing wrong with a gratuitous baby and pet shot. It is an absolutely adorable photo. And LOL at A Free Man. Chris, you are so wrong for that.
I'm sorry you're feeling down today, but if you look at the photo you posted long enough I'm sure you will feel better. It's great!
This is the cutest picture I think I have ever seen. Not exaggerating.
oh my gosh. that is adorable! no words necessary!
I hope you are or already have been on the mend. It's not cool to be depressed or to not have the energy for a blog post. I know.
Lovely pup and babe.
that is the cutest picture! that could totally be your christmas card or something.
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