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    Everyday Conversation

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    This past Friday, I was very tired, and was dealing with some severe neck pain. I don't know how or why my neck started hurting, but it was doing so without regard for origin or reason. I lay down on the couch to take a nap, while Sarah and Tyler played on the floor. This was a mistake, because the way in which I was positioned caused even more neck pain when I woke up about an hour or so later.

    When I did wake up, the following discussion took place:

    Sarah: "How was your nap?"
    Me: "mmmm, ok I guess."
    Sarah: "love yous."
    Me: "I love you, too."
    Sarah: "Tyler pooped."
    Me: "Yay."
    Tyler: *burp*

    Apparently, when a baby's bowel system takes a two day break from its normally scheduled programming, it becomes a hot topic for parents. I did not know this, and believe I must add it to the "The Incompetent Dad's Handbook for Parenting Success" book that I'll probably never write.

    Update: After reading over this post again, I feel the need to point out that Tyler's *burp* was not added for comedic effect. The conversation posted is 100% accurate.


    A Free Man said...

    I know, right. I can't tell you how many times Sinead has asked me if Zach pooed and if so what it looked like. Seriously? It looked like poo.

    holly* said...

    yea.... what afm said.

    yesterday our tyler ate half a stick of butter (i'm not even going to explain). lets just say that today he is well lubed and i have told ben all about it already...

    Joanna said...

    Don't you just love those manly burps?

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